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It fits with the theory i devised which basicly tells us that ,hypotetycally, everything you put in space becomes awesome. Examples: Pirate ships, dinosaurs, vikings, walruses, sharks, bears even a freaking car. Try it.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

what i have found is that anything you draw, if you put a star background behind it so what you are drawing is now in space, every single drawing is improved greatly.

If I was ever to be a woman or a bearded man-whore, I'd marry you thanks to your shorts. The last two scenarios being far from the truth, I dedicated a yogurt sacrifice to you. And Eduardo. And maybe to the octopus hunt he's in.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

i gratefully accept your yoghurty offering.


Many policemen now agree that chimps are the most efficient form of mule ever, since theydigest slowly and love laxative-filled bananas. Gooseman is a darn GENIUS! To make his plan greater, he got Fernando to do it for cheaper because he told him it was a sexual-related job.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

gooseman always keeps up with the latest trends of crime.

Difficult to masturbate to...

it doesn't mean it's impossible. Never forget that internetz. Also, they were lucky Fernando wan't there, it would've been an orgy.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

i don't know if these guys would pay for sex. even $5 or less.


I think Tiffany might be what resulted from that goat-fucker from last episode and one huge goat, making a horse man named tiffany who had a 'stache. Will Fernando finally get his squid? Find out in the next episode.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

its true, fernando is a squidhunter but has yet to actually hunt a squid, i should see to that.

looks yummy

you made me hungry for chicken wings. Also, movie was good.
'nuff said.

OrganizedApeShape responds:

Would you be ok with a chicken leg bone with round worms in it?

Oh, Fernando...

Your secret to make the crabs go away is probably the fact that you praise Raptor Jesus who only requires as sacrifice the love women should give you after nights of pleasure in your company and a bit of your yoghurt. The price for crab repelling powers is high, but it is worth it if you are a legend like yourself, Fernando.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

hmm, interesting interpretation, i'll buy that.

holy shit

Fernando's back with more badassery than ever! Watch out squids and other strangely shaped sea creatures, Fernando's got his harpoon!

Sexual-Lobster responds:

yes and this time he's off the crack for good.


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